Illustration of a therapist and client in a therapy session, reflecting individualized care at Blue Oak Therapy Center in Berkeley.

Therapy as unique as you are


A common misconception about individual therapy is that the therapist is there simply to ask questions and make statements in order to “fix” the client. Another misconception is that a therapist’s job is simply to sit, listen and analyze.

In reality, individual therapy is an organic and naturally unfolding process. The therapist and client collaborate to define goals and the therapist can provide the tools to achieve those goals. Just as each fingerprint is unique, so is each therapist-client relationship. Much of the change that occurs in individual therapy is a result of this unique blend.

It is important to know that whatever is shared in therapy is held in strict confidence between the client and therapist–and the therapist’s supervisor, if the therapist is unlicensed.

leaves representing therapeutic transformative journey offered at blue oak therapy center embody growth change healing compassionate environment


Individual therapy can help with many different issues including:

  • Depression and anxiety

  • Powerful emotions that feel overwhelming

  • Building self-esteem

  • Trauma

  • Addictions

  • Parent-child conflict

  • Eating and body issues

  • Deepening spirituality


Each therapist brings their own unique perspectives and experiences along with a variety of different theoretical orientations. 

As a community, the therapists at Blue Oak Therapy Center take a holistic approach to working with clients. Our work goes beyond solely relying on talk therapy. Our therapists are trained in a wide range of modalities, including expressive arts therapy, sand tray therapy, somatic therapy, transpersonal therapy, CBT, EFT and psychodynamic therapy. Each of us has a unique approach to therapy, and we believe that offering different therapeutic approaches is the best way to help you work through trauma and resolve issues.

To be seen and heard with kindness and compassion is deeply healing. Through the experience of talking and being together, both therapist and client reach an understanding and a shared experience of what is going on under the surface. Once this happens, opportunities for new experiences emerge and change, and transformation is possible.

Read about the diverse group of therapists working at Blue Oak Therapy Center.